Smart Signals Articles

How does Fingerprint’s device intelligence compare with Google Integrity API?
April 16, 2024

How does Fingerprint’s device intelligence compare with Google Integrity API?

Find out why relying solely on Google's Play Integrity API isn't enough for comprehensive fraud prevention. This post shows how Fingerprint’s mobile Smart Signals can fill these gaps, ensuring robust protection for both Android and iOS apps.

Browser Spoofing: What it is and how to detect it
March 8, 2024

Browser Spoofing: What it is and how to detect it

Learn about browser tampering and how it impacts security. We discuss how users can change browser fingerprints, the issues this causes for companies, and how enhanced detection methods can protect online interactions.

february product roundup
March 5, 2024

Product roundup: AWS Marketplace, our iOS demo, and more enterprise updates

Learn more about new releases, including Fingerprint on AWS Marketplace, our revamped iOS Device Intelligence Demo, High-Activity Device Smart Signal, Sealed Client Results, and SDK Health Page

Privacy-Focused Browser Settings: What Businesses Need To Know
February 27, 2024

Privacy-Focused Browser Settings: What Businesses Need To Know

Discover the role of privacy-focused settings in the context of fraud risk assessment. This blog post explores why people choose privacy-focused browsers and configurations, the protections they provide, and how they are detected.

Detecting Suspicious Mobile Device Activity with Factory Reset Times
February 22, 2024

Detecting Suspicious Mobile Device Activity with Factory Reset Times

Mobile device factory resets are often performed for legitimate reasons, such as troubleshooting, selling, or improving device performance, and for fraudulent activities. This article looks at how fraudsters use factory resets, along with how to detect suspicious patterns.

How to Prevent Mobile Fraud by Detecting Jailbroken Phones
February 22, 2024

How to Prevent Mobile Fraud by Detecting Jailbroken Phones

Jailbroken phones can pose significant risks to mobile app security. This article covers jailbreaking, why users jailbreak their devices, the security tradeoffs of elevated access, and how businesses can protect their services with jailbreak detection.

Navigating the Risks of User-Initiated App Cloning
December 5, 2023

Navigating the Risks of User-Initiated App Cloning

Explore the issue of user-initiated app cloning and its implications for business security and integrity. This article offers effective strategies for detecting and mitigating the risks of cloned apps.

vpn-detection icon
September 22, 2023

What is VPN Detection? How to detect a VPN with an API

Learn VPN detection methods including database validation, timezone mismatch, OS mismatch & more. Detecting VPNs better identify users and prevents fraud.

virtual machine detection
August 31, 2023

Virtual machines and fraud: the fraud attacks you can’t see

Learn more about virtual machines, the types of virtual machines available, how they’re used for fraud, and why virtual machine detection is essential as part of a robust fraud prevention strategy.

  • Smart Signals
android emulator android tampering
August 17, 2023

The basics of Android emulators and Android tampering and why detection is vital for mobile fraud prevention

This blog post aims to shed light on these two concepts, offering insights into the different types of Android emulators and tampering methods, how they work, why businesses should detect if these types of Android devices are visiting their website, and how device intelligence can help with this detection.

mobile smart signals
July 31, 2023

The next phase of mobile fraud prevention: our latest set of Smart Signals

Six additional Smart Signals highlighting Fingerprint’s mobile capabilities have been released.

  • Smart Signals
ip geolocation fingerprint
July 26, 2023

IP Address Geolocation: How It Works and Why It Matters

Learn what IP address geolocation is, how it works, how to use it for fraud detection and prevention, and how to combine it with more fraud signals.

  • Smart Signals