Product Updates Articles

Velocity Signals image
July 18, 2024

Product update: Data-driven fraud detection with Velocity Signals

Velocity Signals, part of Fingerprint Smart Signals, counts important data points per visitor. Businesses can integrate this data into their risk-decisioning process when visitors engage with their site.

Linked data and fraud flagging product update
July 11, 2024

Improving fraud prevention with new updatable events and fraud flagging

See how you can use Fingerprint to enrich past identification events and tailor Suspect Scores to unique environments for a more adaptive fraud prevention approach.

  • Product Updates
Product update: The Fingerprint Management API is now available!
June 21, 2024

Product update: The Fingerprint Management API is now available!

Programmatically manage your Fingerprint account and its configuration from your own systems with Fingerprint's Management API.

  • Product Updates
february product roundup
March 5, 2024

Product roundup: AWS Marketplace, our iOS demo, and more enterprise updates

Discover Fingerprint's new releases on AWS Marketplace, including our iOS Device Intelligence Demo and more.

suspect score
February 23, 2024

Product Update: Quickly Flag Suspicious Activity with Our New Suspect Score

Introducing our latest update: the Suspect Score aggregates multiple signals to enhance your fraud prevention efforts.

  • Product Updates
Availability Changes to Our Cloud Proxy Integrations
November 1, 2023

Availability Changes to Our Cloud Proxy Integrations

As of November 1, 2023, Fingerprint's proxy integrations have new availability rules across our pricing plans.

bot detection webinar
October 31, 2022

[WEBINAR] Product Launch: Detect Bots in Real-Time with BotD

Join our CTO and Head of Product as they explore advanced bot detection technologies in our latest webinar.

mobile phone illustration
September 1, 2022

New: Fingerprint Pro for iOS 2.0

Fingerprint for iOS version 2.0 is here with more features and upgrades—learn what’s new and improved.

  • Ios
  • Product Updates