Choose your plan

Select your number of monthly identifications

Pro Plus

Industry-leading 99.5% accurate
device intelligence

$99/month for up to 20K API calls
$4/month per additional 1,000 API calls
  • Core identification99.5% accuracy on returning visitor identification
  • Access to our Smart SignalsIncognito mode detection, IP geolocation, VPN detection, and browser tamper detection
  • Access to our mobile Smart SignalsAndroid emulator & tamper detection, cloned app detection, factory reset detection, jailbroken device detection, and Frida detection
  • Browser bot detection


Build a custom plan tailored
to fit your business

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  • Access to additional Smart SignalsRaw device attributes and IP blocklist matching
  • Advanced network detection
  • 99.9% SLA
  • Enterprise-level compliance and security, incl. SAML SSO
  • Dedicated customer success team member and premium support resources
  • Access to more proxy integrations (AWS CloudFront, Azure, and Akamai)

BSL Licensing for FingerprintJS

Businesses interested in source-available FingerprintJS, the top GitHub browser fingerprinting library, should contact us about licensing opportunities.

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Compare all features

Dig into feature details and find your perfect plan.

Pro Plus

Industry-leading 99.5% accurate
device intelligence


Build a custom plan tailored
to fit your business

Request Pricing
Identification features
Visitor ID accuracy
Confidence score
API requests per second
5 RPS and up
Uptime agreement
URL parameter stripping
Developer documentation
Technical support
Smart signals
Browser bot detection
Incognito detection
IP geolocation
VPN detection
Browser tamper detection
Virtual machine detection
Privacy focused browser
High-activity device
Time-Based Interval Monitoring
IP blocklist matching
Raw device attributes
Suspect Score
Remote Tools
Android emulator detection
Android tamper detection
Cloned app detection
Factory reset detection
Jailbroken device detection
Frida detection
Security and compliance
Data retention
30 days
90 days
GDPR and CCPA compliant
Data region-based compliance
Compliance certifications
Enforced SAML SSO
Zero trust mode
Implementation and developer tools
Client and server API access
Client and server SDKs/frameworks
iOS and Android native SDKs
Auto updating CDN
Custom subdomains
Cloudflare proxy integration
AWS CloudFront, Azure, Akamai, and Fastly VCL proxy integrations

Frequently asked questions

How does billing for Fingerprint work?

Customers are billed monthly based on API requests made over the billing period. The minimum paid plan is Fingerprint Pro Plus which starts at $99 per month for 20,000 API requests — any additional requests are charged at a rate of $ $4 per 1,000 requests.

Learn more in our pricing guide for engineers.

Do you offer annual billing and discounts?

Yes, we offer annual billing and discounts. Please contact sales for details on annual pricing.

How am I protected from overpaying?

We take billing very seriously and have built several layers of protection to prevent accidental overcharging.

Fingerprint uses a two-level surge protection on all customer accounts. The first level is a DDoS protection. If your website is under attack, Fingerprint will not bill you for the API calls that are made during that period. The second layer is a web application firewall (WAF) that will filter out malicious or abusive requests from bots.

In addition to the surge protection, Fingerprint routes each request through a customizable request filtering layer. This allows you to ignore requests from unknown sources, permit only certain web applications to make Fingerprint API calls, or even discard requests at the HTTP header level.

In the unlikely event a malicious request surge penetrates these protective layers, we can waive the API calls charges.

How does the 14-day free trial work?

To start your trial, create an account here. You’ll have access to your account for 14 days for free, no credit card required.

After 14 days, you can upgrade to continue using your account. If you do not upgrade, your account will be deactivated.

You can upgrade your account at any time during your trial to avoid loss of service at the end of the 14 days. You can find pricing options here.

How many identifications do I need?

Fingerprint works best if the JavaScript agent is installed and runs an identification for every visitor on every page of your website. To estimate the number of identifications this installation would use, you can look at your website’s total number of monthly page views using a client- or server-side website analytics service (e.g. Google Analytics, Segment, Netlify Analytics).

If you decide to install Fingerprint only on several key pages (e.g., signup, login, or prepayment), then you use page views for those specific pages to estimate the number of identifications.

Finally, if you plan to configure Fingerprint to only identify visitors when they first land on your site, you can use monthly user sessions to estimate the number of identifications needed.

Please contact sales for assistance in estimating the number of identifications needed for your use case.

What is Fingerprint’s uptime?

You can check our current status, view previous incidents, and subscribe to updates on our status page.

Does Fingerprint provide an uptime service level agreement (SLA)?

Fingerprint guarantees at least a 99.9% uptime for Fingerprint Enterprise.

Is Fingerprint GDPR compliant?

When Fingerprint technology is used for fraud detection purposes, no user consent is required. Any use outside of fraud detection needs to comply with GDPR user consent rules.

We never automatically track traffic — you can configure under what conditions visitors are tracked, and we never do cross-domain tracking.

Where is Fingerprint data stored?

When you create your account, you can choose between Global/US (Richmond, VA), EU (Frankfurt, Germany), and South Asia (Mumbai, India).

We can set up servers in additional locations for enterprise customers. To learn more, please contact sales.

Is Fingerprint SOC 2 compliant?

Yes, Fingerprint is SOC 2 compliant. It's also GDPR and CCPA compliant, and ISO 27001 certified.

Please contact sales. if you would like to see our SOC 2 Type II report.

Why is Fingerprint device identification accuracy so high?

Fingerprint combines over 70 unique signals to create a unique and stable visitor ID with up to 99.5% accuracy. We achieve such high accuracy through continuous testing and iteration of signals as browsers and devices change, as well as machine learning algorithms that can identify when a visitor is trying to change their identity via proxies or other techniques.

Is Fingerprint more accurate than competitors?

In a browser fingerprinting study from KTH Royal Institute of Technology, only 33.6% of users were correctly identified. Other studies from the Electronic Frontier Foundation and Inria saw fingerprint accuracy between 80-90%, but those studies predate current web privacy policies and technologies. The Fingerprint platform's 99.5% accuracy is higher than any other service on the market.

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plan is for you?

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