FingerprintJS: Year in review

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It’s been an exciting year for FingerprintJS, the most advanced, source-available browser fingerprinting library on GitHub. No, we haven’t yet figured out how to get the stranded Boeing astronauts back from the ISS, but we have racked up 22,000 stars! We also have over 40,000 GitHub projects (and counting) using us to build safe and seamless online services, reduce fraud, and optimize user experiences around the globe. 

Sites using FingerprintJS are as varied as the internet itself, and they include one of the largest cloud-based enterprise software providers, an Asian Gen Z-focused video community, a leading European bank, and even a car dealer in Southern California. In fact, we’re now used by 12% of the top 500 websites by traffic.

We shipped 10 significant releases in the last year, including releases making FingerprintJS fully compatible with Safari 17 and Safari 18. We added new entropy sources, including AudioContext baseLatency (the number of seconds of processing latency incurred by the AudioContext passing an audio buffer from the AudioDestinationNode into the host system's audio subsystem), increasing the accuracy of Chromium Android detection. And so much more.

Browser fingerprinting technologies are a cornerstone for developer-led fraud prevention because it cuts through spoofing attempts to identify users accurately, without requiring additional permissions from the user. Fingerprinting can enhance your fraud prevention efforts by serving as an additional layer of user authentication when required.  

Financial institutions and e-commerce sites use browser fingerprinting to detect and prevent fraudulent activities. And when users need to recover their accounts, browser fingerprinting helps verify their identity.

If you’re one of the developers contributing to our getting more than 1 million package downloads per month, and you’re interested in working on our commercial products, we’d love to hear from you — check out our open positions here.

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