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Shahed Nasser


Contributing Writer


Shahad is a full-stack developer with high expertise in web development. She also loves writing technical articles, as they help her learn, become better, and spread her knowledge in the hopes that it will help someone out there.

Shahed Nasser Articles

Shahed Nasser's Articles

illustration of incognito browser window
March 22, 2022

Storing Anonymous Browsing Preferences Using Browser Fingerprinting

Discover how Fingerprint works, its use cases, and how to implement dark mode for remembering users’ preferences.

Best NPM browser fingerprinting packages
November 19, 2021

The Best NPM Packages for Browser Fingerprinting

The four best NPM packages for browser fingerprinting. In this article, we compare options by looking at their popularity, updated date, package size and more.

Incognito mode detection
July 29, 2021

Incognito Mode Detection: Detecting Visitors Who Browse in Private Mode

Find out how to use Javascript techniques to determine if a website visitor is using incognito mode to access a page.