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Courtney Rogin


Head of Content Marketing


Courtney is Fingerprint's resident content marketer, weaving words about emerging digital fraud and the strategies for businesses to prevent it. She comes from a background in B2B SaaS startups and loves a good messaging challenge when solving complex customer pain points. When not navigating the World Wide Web, you can find her reading outside, attempting to get her dog to return her socks, or channeling Ina Garten in the kitchen.

Courtney Rogin Articles

Courtney Rogin's Articles

vpn-detection icon
September 22, 2023

What is VPN detection? How to detect a VPN with an API

Learn VPN detection methods including database validation, timezone mismatch, OS mismatch & more. Detecting VPNs better identify users and prevents fraud.

cost savings in software development
November 18, 2022

Building Efficient Software Products In Uncertain Times

Optimize your software development process for cost efficiency with practical considerations and changes.