Increase conversions with Device Intelligence

Proactively prevent e-commerce fraud, optimize the customer experience,
and protect your revenue with industry-leading visitor identification.

Trusted by the world's leading websites

Fingerprint for
e-commerce use cases

Reduce chargeback risk

Spot chargeback attempts in real time using visitorID with Smart Signals.

Prevent unauthorized access

Identify and stop fraudsters from logging in using stolen credentials.

Identify promo abuse

Quickly spot users taking advantage of promos or exploiting discounts.

Mitigate automated threats

Detect malicious bots and other sophisticated threats in real time.

Don’t choose between
UX and fraud prevention

Get both with Fingerprint. Increase conversion rates and reduce cart abandonment with accurate identification you can trust.

Cloned App DetectionSuspect ScoreBrowser Tamper DetectionVPN DetectionIP BlocklistVirtual Machine DetectionPrivacy-Focused SettingsRaw Device AttributesIncognito DetectionIncognito DetectionGeolocation Spoofing DetectionCloned App DetectionHigh-Activity Device

Faster transactions, less friction

Speed up transactions with real-time identification and Smart Signals. Stop relying on external verification or legacy tools. Our highly stable identifier helps you verify users in the background.

Create a seamless shopping experience

Streamline checkout processes by identifying users and trusted devices in the background, reducing MFA steps. Fingerprint integrates into your existing purchase process and fraud setup.

Increase confidence in your visitor identification

Fraud prevention can get complicated. Fingerprint makes it simple. Increase confidence in your workflows with industry-leading visitor identification, 70+ signals, and machine learning in a lightweight API. 

Headout uses Fingerprint
to stop chargeback fraud

Headout tackled payment fraud from stolen credit cards with Fingerprint. By seamlessly integrating Fingerprint’s visitor ID into their existing rules-based solution, Headout drastically cut down on customer chargebacks.

Learn more
The overall ease of implementation was very important to us, [as well as] the accuracy. We previously could never identify the devices used by fraudulent actors the way we can today with Fingerprint.

Shivam Darmora

Associate Director of Data
@ Headout

E-commerce developers
trust Fingerprint

Engineering teams trust Fingerprint’s signals
to power fraud prevention workflows with ease.

VPN Detection

Incognito Detection

IP Geolocation



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VPN Detection

Incognito Detection

IP Geolocation

Integrate with the tools that you already trust.

Fingerprint offers seamless third-party integrations, making it easy to get started. You’ll get some additional benefits, including proxy identification and more, too!

Identify your web and
mobile traffic in minutes

Collect visitor IDs and signals instantly for free,
or reach out to our team for a demo.